Frank S. Farley Service Plaza – Atlantic City Expressway

Earlier in the week I had written about our weekend trip to visit Storybook Land with our daughter, but neglected to mention a quick side stop we had made along the way.  Take to anyone in Jersey about how to get anywhere in the state and they usually say either the Turnpike or the Parkway, but for those heading to Atlantic City there’s the Expressway.  This is pretty much just a 4 lane highway stretching from just west to east and takes you right into the heart of Atlantic City, but also gives quick access to a lot of towns and attractions along the way.

AC Expressway Sign

As with most GPS systems out was doing it’s best to get us there in the shortest way possible, and even through we got hit with some tolls the Expressway was the quickest route.  At about mile marker 21.3 (thank you Google) near Hammonton, NJ we came across the Frank S. Farley Service Plaza.  We still had a ways to go so I took the opportunity to make a quick pit stop for the restroom, some snacks and of course the penny machine located inside.

NJ - Frank S Farley Sign

Just like all the rest stops along the NJ Turnpike or Parkway the penny machines are almost always located right outside the restrooms.  Unfortunately since this is the busiest areas of the service plaza besides Starbucks it makes using the machine a little difficult sometimes.  This time was no different as I walked up to the machine there where a couple of people leaning up against it at first.  I politely asked to use it and they obliged with no issue, and they even proceeded to stand by and watch as I pressed the designs.

NJ - Frank S Farley ACE 01

As I have mentioned in the past all the service areas and rest stops have some common designs that repeat and these designs I have collected in the past.  But my obsession to collect all the coins I can didn’t keep me from pressing a new set anyways.

NJ - Frank S Farley ACE 01 Pennies

The designs included: I Love You, My Lucky Penny Shamrock, The Lord’s Prayer, and a Unicorn.  With my latest acquisition in my pocket we were shortly back on the Expressway and just a little bit closer to Storybook Land where there were even more pennies to press…or not.  In case you haven’t read the story check out my other post as I described our visit to the park and hunt for the penny machine in some Mother Goose nursery rhymes.